Friday 10 February 2017

Seeing a GP for the first time


This post is all about seeing a GP for the first time when you have depression and anxiety. I shall include my experience and also share some advice and what I did.

I first saw my GP in 2008. I was scared and was not really prepared to what I would say. I took my best friend along with me for support and she was great as we worked together so she knew more on the background of what I was going through and how I was. 

I saw a locum the first couple times then I got to see the GP I would stick with until she sadly left, I was put onto Citalopram and had regular appointments. I was more comfortable once I saw my the lovely lady GP I had as we saw each other regular and she got to know how I was doing and we could keep an eye on symptoms etc. 

Having a good GP is important I think. You have to feel comfortable and if you are not ask to see someone else. You will not get the results you want if you are not comfortable with the doctor. Also too if you are not getting answers and feel your being let down say something. I had a doctor diagnose me wrongly over the phone, It turned out I was more ill than he had said, it was not mental health related but still I complained and got to see the amazing doctor I have now and I am so grateful.

Another bit of advice is write everything down that you want to say. Appointments are only 10 minutes long and also sometimes your anxiety and depression can stop you from being able to communicate what is going on. I have done this a couple of times and it helped so much as my doctor was able to read the notes and then ask questions so it made it easier for me to reply and tell her what was going on,

Never feel alone, GP's treat mental health issues every single day and nothing you say will shock them. Never feel your not ill enough either, And never think you are not worthy of support and help. The GP can also help with finding support groups and also have support websites you can use too and self help books. 

So my advice for GP visits are

1. Take someone you trust with you, be it a friend, Parent, guardian etc
2. Write notes down, Including symptoms and things that are worrying you.
3. Make sure you are comfortable with the GP you are seeing, A healthy and good relationship and one you feel comfortable talking with helps so much. And you will get the help and support you need quicker if you can communicate well with the doctor you are seeing.
4. Deep breath, I know for me anxiety in the waiting room is horrible, I take something with me like my phone that can distract me while I am waiting for appointments.
5. Don't be ashamed if you get upset. I have several times and trust me GP's do not think anything less of you for it.
6. And always make sure you give your self a pat on the back and a treat after, Because making the first step towards seeing a doctor is a big step towards recovery. And I am proud of you for doing it.

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